Services Offered
- Sewerage and their allied works including design, procurement, laying, jointing, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of new sewerage network as well as
refurbishment of old/existing sewerage network.
- Design and construction of pipeline by trenchless technology.
- Design, construction, operation and maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plants.
- Design, construction, operation and maintenance of Sewage Pumping Stations.
- Design, construction, operation and maintenance of Water Treatment Plants.
- Water supply works including design, procurement, laying, jointing, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of new water supply and distribution networks as well as
construction of reservoir and refurbishment of old/existing water supply infrastructures.
- Road & Allied works including construction of new road networks as well as repair/renovation of existing road networks.
- Design and construction of power transmission and distribution infrastructure.
- Design and construction of buildings and allied works.
- Design, construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure facilities & utilities.